First Year & All Semester Internal Marks Published today by Anna University : Latest Update : 10.01.2014

Latest Update : 10.01.2014
Internal Marks Published again.
Anna University has announced the Internal Marks on 7.01.2014 at COE Portal. But after getting more queries about the method of calculation, the Internal Marks were removed from the portal (09.01.2014) yesterday.

Now, the results are once again published in COE Portal at Students login.

So, students are requested to check their marks once again. It may be differ / improved from your previous marks.
And First Year Students also expected to get their Internal Marks by today. (We already mentioned this yesterday)

And Also AU instructed the students as "If there is any discrepancy in Internal mark, the student is advised to contact the concerned course instructor"
Check Your Internal Marks Result at
All the best.

Latest Update : 09.01.2014
Internal Marks are published by Anna University for Higher Semester Students on 07.01.2014. But now it is removed from the students login. No official info as it is temporary removal or not. Most of the students are already viewed their internal marks from AU-COE Portal of

Two types of possibilities are there. (Note this possibilities are only by Guessing. Its not a Official News) 

1. May be removed for any updation or corrections on previously published internal marks.
2. May be removed for updating First Year Internal Marks.
Whatever it may be, students are confused as they are already noted the internal marks are same for result. Or it will be revised??

We will update further if there is any Official News.Stay with us.
Update : 07.01.2014
Internal Marks are published by Anna University for Higher Semester Students.
Students can check your internal marks from Evening 6.00 PM to Morning 7.00 AM Only.
Check your result now at

Update : AU has launched the Internal Marks and Absentees Status on COE Portal.
Anna University released internal mark for 1 st 3rd 5th 7th sem students for Nov / Dec 2013.

Check the same at

All Anna University Higher semester examinations are completed and phase 1 Valuation also completed. But still some colleges are not completed the Internal Assessment Reports for both First Year and Higher semester of UG and PG.

So AU is not able to generate the internal marks to the specific college's students. 
Hence it is very critical to announcing results in time without internal marks.

So that COE of Anna University, giving a final deadline to all colleges who are not yet completed that work.
The Circular is as follows...
Circular Message 

A web portal has been developed ( to acquire the non-confidential data pertaining to the colleges and their faculty and the students for the smooth and effective conduct of examinations and publication of results on time.

In this context, the colleges are requested to upload the attendance details and assessment marks for the semester June – November 2013 in 4 assessment periods. It is noticed that some of the colleges have not completed the task so far. For most of the students the Internal Assessment marks could not be calculated for the higher semester and also for the first semester UG and PG Programmes due to non-entry of the assessment marks in full. Therefore, all the Principals are requested to take steps to enter the missing assessment marks for all any of the 3 assessment periods without fail on or before 10th January 2014. Only then it is possible for us to publish the results for all the students in time. Hence all are requested to complete the work.

This may be treated as very urgent.

If the works are completed within the given time period (10th Jan 2014) then the results may be expected at the first week of February 2014. Else the same will be possible on 2nd Week of February 2014 with the WithHeld Result of the particular college students.

So, All the students are requested to check the your IAT report at COE Portal, if Reports are not updated by your colleges contact your college examcell to request to complete the same as soon as possible.

For First Year Students, if you were not aware to how to check the IAT reports, Check the following demo link for more details.